Photos by Kyle Hackenberg
Getting flowers is the best way to instantly feel lighter and brighter.
I remember thinking who cares if I don't get flowers, they're just going to die anyway. Now looking back I think deep down I felt I didn't deserve the beauty of flowers around me. I was not worthy of such excess. So different now.
My boyfriend gets me flowers every week. Just when I think he will forget he walks in with another big beautiful bouquet and it always makes me feel special.
I'm not sure why but he bought me two bouquets last week instead of one, maybe he did something wrong? Anyway, there were so many flowers in all these different colors I wasn't sure what to do with them.
I thought, I'm going to split them up. I put the red and white ones in a vase and placed them in the back right corner of the bedroom. This would be the relationship area, of the Feng Shui Bague map, of the room. Why not spice things up using the color red with flowers? I also put the purple flowers in the far left back area of the apartment to boost abundance. The few that were left were these happy yellow flowers. I placed them in the middle of the apartment for the health area.
So, if you're feeling a little heavy and dull change it up and get yourself some flowers. I think this is the simplest way to enhance any mood, room and possible romance;)